How can we help?Find the right answer
1. Head to the JD App
2. You’ll be given an option to sign up to Nike Membership at JD
3. Select this, then log in to your JD Account
4. Next you’ll be asked to log in to your Nike Membership account
5. Nike will ask you to verify that you want to connect both accounts and by continuing you accept the JD Privacy Policy
6. By continuing to log on you will accept the Nike Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Then you’ll see a verification message
7. You’ll now be able to view exclusive member products and add them to your basket

To check the latest vacancies please navigate to the relevant page as listed below.
For Retail positions go to –
For Head Office positions go to –

We hope that you are pleased with any purchase you have made. Sometimes however things do not go according to plan and if you feel that we have not lived up to your expectations, or that we could improve our service in some way, please let us know.
What you can expect from us
We will make it as easy as possible for you to contact us however you’d like to do it; phone, email or even write to us it’s up to you.
Polite, professional and enthusiastic staff who will greet you in a friendly way and identify themselves by first name. We will make sure our staff are trained well enough to deal with your enquiries the first time you contact us with confidentiality and respect for your privacy.
How you can help us
Give us all the information we need to help you. Let us know if you have any special needs. Be polite to our staff and show them the same respect they will show you. By giving us feedback on how well we are doing so we can improve the way we help you. We will look to respond as soon as possible.
How to complain if something goes wrong
Complaint Handling and Feedback
Step 1: Contact Us
In the first instance, if you’re in one of our shops, do ask to speak to a manager. We have empowered our Managers and Assistant Managers to make a number of decisions about your purchase and experience. The Store Management can help find a resolution to your instore query.
If your complaint does not relate to an instore query or you are not in agreement with the decision made by the store please contact us using one of the below options. If you call us, we’ll try to sort out your complaint while you’re on the phone. If this isn’t possible, the advisor will agree a course of action with you.
Complete our email webform
Telephone us by calling 0161 393 7055
By Post:
JD Sports Customer Care Department
Hollinsbrook Way
Step 2: Escalating your complaint
If you're not satisfied with our response, please ask for the issue to be considered again. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss the issue with our Customer Champions Team -
If you are dissatisfied with our handling of your complaint, you can use the following link to access the EU’s Online Dispute Resolution platform to have your complaint forwarded to an independent third party for review:
If your complaint has been escalated and you remain unsatisfied with our response, you may contact the Retail Ombudsman in order to seek an independent review of our handling of your complaint. The following link will take you to the Retail Ombudsman’s website:

If you want to contact Head Office for PR & Marketing opportunities, then please navigate to the 'Contact Us' page.

The are two ways you can do this, either from your JD App or from your Nike Membership account.
Via the JD App:
1. Head to your JD App and login
2. Click More followed by Nike Membership at JD
3. Click on “Unlink”
4. If you’ve any exclusive member products in your basket you’ll see a message which confirms the products will be removed from your basket when you unlink
5. You’ll get a confirmation that the accounts are no longer linked
1. Head to and log in using your membership credentials
2. Select “Account Settings and “Linked accounts”
3. You’ll see a list of connected accounts. Select your JD account
4. Click on “Unlink”
5. Verify you want to unlink your account
6. You’ll get a confirmation that your JD Account is no longer linked
7. You’ll also receive an email confirming the accounts are no longer linked

It’s a good start to check that your JD and Nike Memberships are connected. We recommend doing this via the JD App:
1. Head to your JD App and log in using your JD credentials
2. Click “More” followed by Nike Membership at JD
3. If it asks you to connect your Nike Membership you’ll need to log in to your Nike account to connect the two accounts together
4. If they’re already connected, you should be able to see “Member Access” products
5. If your accounts are connected and you still don’t see “Member Access” products, get in touch with us HERE. Remember to include the email address that you log in to your JD app with, the product(s) that you expect to see and any screenshots of error messages you received.

We now use 100% recycled material for our online packaging. By choosing to use recycled plastic material (avoiding virgin material), the 2019/20 equivalent embodied carbon saving was 339t co2e*. The equivalent co2 saved is 2,950,435 km travelled by plane, or 73 flights around the world.

We'd love to hear from you. Whatever you want to say, let the JD Team know about your online experience by clicking here

We created a quality plastic drawstring bag for our consumers which, with an over the shoulder cord, is designed perfectly to carry anything from P.E. kits, to a change of clothes, to shopping. Our JD drawstring bag is classified as a ‘bag for life’, but we still apply the carrier bag levy fee to this bag, with all proceeds going to The JD Foundation. Find out more about The JD Foundation here

The benefits of linking the accounts are that you’ll see exclusive Member Access products that can only be purchased by Nike Membership at JD members that are logged in to the JD App. There will also be exclusive experiences and offers that are only available to connected members who are logged in to the JD App.

Member Access products are only available to Nike Membership at JD members. To take advantage you need to have both a JD account and a Nike Membership. You then need to connect both accounts via the JD App. Once you’ve connected both accounts and accepted the Nike Terms of Use, you’ll be able to purchase Member Access products.
If you try to check out with a Member Access product, you’ll be prompted to log in/connect your JD and Nike Membership accounts. If you don’t log in to your account, the items will be removed from your basket.

How did you get on in store? Let us know how things went - give the JD Team some feedback about your store experience by clicking here

To unsubscribe from our marketing emails, you can remove yourself immediately by clicking the 'unsubscribe' link that can be found at the bottom of one of our promotional emails.
It may take up to 72 hours for this to be active.
If you no longer have access to one of our emails, please contact our Data Protection team who will be happy to action this request for you.

If you’re trying to connect your JD and Nike Membership accounts but cannot remember your passwords, we recommend doing a password reset. Below are some links to help you reset the password for your accounts.
To reset your JD Account password, the best experience is via where you can select “Forgotten your password”. You can reset your password via the JD App, head to My Account and you’ll see “Forgotten Password”.
To reset your Nike Membership account password, you’ll need to head to and select “Sign In”. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address followed by “Next”. After that you’ll see “Forgot password” which will allow you to reset your password

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